Photo by Noncedo Gxekwa Sticky Post

Re-thinking my blog and my writing;

In the more than 10 years on writing online a lot has changed in why I have a blog. What I posted so many years ago is very different than now. There are a lot of questions I ask myself about how – and if – to continue. Continue reading Re-thinking my blog and my writing;

How the seizure of Backpage in the US should worry sex workers across the world

On Facebook and Twitter, and other Social media, the seizure of Backpage (an online platform where sex workers in the US do their work) has garnered quite some attention. News articles (at least some of them) are highlighting the dangers this poses to sex workers, how it will compromise their income, how it will compromise their safety. However, the discussion around this cannot remain localised to the US… it is an issue that needs to be discussion from a global perspective. Continue reading How the seizure of Backpage in the US should worry sex workers across the world

The type of “client” that refuses to pay a sex worker

When you read the title above, you might think this is about a particular (stereotypically cisgender male)  client who tricks and cheats sex workers; surely they exists, but this isn’t about them. This article is about the other type of “client” that seek to gain access to our bodies and stories and services, but refuse to pay: activists, artists, journalists, researchers… Possibly, some will get … Continue reading The type of “client” that refuses to pay a sex worker

Dr. Strange and the turning back of the MCU to whiter times…

With some apprehension I went to see Marvel’s Dr. Strange… With a lot of apprehension really. All the whitewashing has really turned me off against it… The tl:dr version of my opinion is simple: Dr. Strange is a visually stunning LSD trip that falls into problematic tropes, appropriating and exotifying Asianness. I had a lot of hope for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I’m starting … Continue reading Dr. Strange and the turning back of the MCU to whiter times…

Once upon a time… Marvel created “The white nation of Azania”

To those in South Africa, especially those who have been involved in the recent fallist movements as well as those who know South African history, this might seem a bit of a contradiction: “The white nation of Azania“. Yes, once upon a time, Marvel created the fictional “white African nation of Azania” in its multiverse. It was a nation of white supremacists that bordered the … Continue reading Once upon a time… Marvel created “The white nation of Azania”